Thursday, April 25, 2013



Is magic real? Or was he able to lie to so many people?

Harry Houdini was an American stunt performer born on March 24, 1874.  He was best known as “Harry Handcuff Houdini”, because he sensationally challenged different police forces to try and keep him locked up.

The mirror challenge was one of the most fascinating of all times. Houdini was challenged by the London Daily Mirror to free himself from a special lock that had taken a locksmith from Birmingham five years to make. He accepted, and after one hour of struggling finally managed to escape. 

In the Milk Can Escape, Houdini was handcuffed and locked inside a huge milk can full of water and escaped behind a curtain as part of his performance he invited the audience to hold their breaths for as long as he did. Nobody lasted but him. 

The Overboard Box escape was one of his favorites. He was handcuffed and locked in a sealed crate that weighed down in New York´s East River and managed to escape in fifty-seven seconds. This was one of his favorites.


Like these, he pulled off many kinds of different escaping acts, which no one has ever been able to explain. Maybe he just has supernatural powers. 

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