Tuesday, May 7, 2013


A mysterious group of villains calling itself “The Monster With 21 Faces”, used cyanide and other toxins to send letters blackmailing two important companies of Japanese food, Glico and Morinaga.

This was a famous exortion case in the 1980s in Japan. It was primarily directed at the Japanese industrial confectioneries Ezaki Glico and Morinaga It currently remains Unsolved.

This started when the president of Glico was kidnapped in front of his family when two armed men broke into his house. This event was followed by  the setting  of several cars in the parking lot on fire, then a series of letters were sent in a plastic container along with hydrochloric acid and if it wasn’t enough, they claimed to have poisoned Glico´s candies, which resulted in the company losing $21 million dollars.

After all this, “the Monster” sent one final letter asking for forgiveness of Glico and then moved on… but to another company: Morinaga. This time they sent 21 letters full of Cyanide inside a box that stated “Contains Toxins”.

After this, “The Monster” kept on moving from one company to another, causing one of the police officers in charge of the case to commit suicide.

“We are bad guys. That means we’ve got more to do than  bullying companies. It is fun to lead a bad man´s life” were the Monster´s final words to the public.


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