Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Lead Masks Case


Alien abduction or time travel?

One afternoon in 1966, the nearby Vintém Hill in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  the bodies of two dead men were found wearing identical  suits and protective lead masks over their faces, the kind that are used to protect against radiation poisoning.

Vintem Hill is a known UFO hotspot in the world. 

Police  made their way to the scene only to find them in a severe state of decomposition. Right next to them were lying an empty bottle of water, a pair of towels and a notebook which contained the following message:

16:30Hs be at the determined place.  18:30 swallow capsule after effect, protect metals, and wait for mask signal.”

Manoel Pereira da Cruz and Miguel José Viana made a living repairing televisions. They  where seen a couple of days before on a bus heading to Niteroi, which is 160 miles and 3 hours away from where they were found. 

Some of their close friends said  that Manoel and Jose were fascinated with UFO´s and electronics, and they knew that Vintem Hill was a UFO hotspot.
It has not yet been determined why they were found 160 miles away from where they were with no evidence to say it was murder.

45 years later, this story is still ridled with theories such as suicide, alien abduction and time travel. 

1 comment:

  1. For me it is a time travel. Everything is possible we just need to accept that fact!.

    Sit all you want
