Tuesday, May 7, 2013


This blog is about unsolved cases in the world. There are hundreds of things that have happened in every country that do not have an explanation even after policemen, federal agents, intelligence agencies and even scientists have looked into these.

This blog is going to list some of these stories that have been kept a mystery and never been explained. Some of them will be hard news such as crime scenes where no one was found responsible and there was no explanation; a spontaneous human combustion where a person was blown up with no explanation; a suspect in J.F. Kennedy's murder that was never again found.  while others will be soft news like some tyles that have been appearing in different cities around the world. 
All of the stories are very unsual.

These news stories are very entertaining and will please any reader that likes a thrill. People like these kind of stories because we always want an explanation to things, and it is very intriguing when there
isn´t one. 

I have introduced images and in some cases links and videos with the purpose of helping the reader get visual aid and further information if they are interested.

The fear of the unknown can be scary, which is why I used a sarcastic tone. But it is also thrilling which is why I think readers will like my blog.

I invite people to take a break of current news and read this blog to get entertained and informed with some of the most weird things that have happened in this world.

You will be surprised of how much human beings are not able to explain.


A mysterious group of villains calling itself “The Monster With 21 Faces”, used cyanide and other toxins to send letters blackmailing two important companies of Japanese food, Glico and Morinaga.

This was a famous exortion case in the 1980s in Japan. It was primarily directed at the Japanese industrial confectioneries Ezaki Glico and Morinaga It currently remains Unsolved.

This started when the president of Glico was kidnapped in front of his family when two armed men broke into his house. This event was followed by  the setting  of several cars in the parking lot on fire, then a series of letters were sent in a plastic container along with hydrochloric acid and if it wasn’t enough, they claimed to have poisoned Glico´s candies, which resulted in the company losing $21 million dollars.

After all this, “the Monster” sent one final letter asking for forgiveness of Glico and then moved on… but to another company: Morinaga. This time they sent 21 letters full of Cyanide inside a box that stated “Contains Toxins”.

After this, “The Monster” kept on moving from one company to another, causing one of the police officers in charge of the case to commit suicide.

“We are bad guys. That means we’ve got more to do than  bullying companies. It is fun to lead a bad man´s life” were the Monster´s final words to the public.


Thursday, April 25, 2013



Is magic real? Or was he able to lie to so many people?

Harry Houdini was an American stunt performer born on March 24, 1874.  He was best known as “Harry Handcuff Houdini”, because he sensationally challenged different police forces to try and keep him locked up.

The mirror challenge was one of the most fascinating of all times. Houdini was challenged by the London Daily Mirror to free himself from a special lock that had taken a locksmith from Birmingham five years to make. He accepted, and after one hour of struggling finally managed to escape. 

In the Milk Can Escape, Houdini was handcuffed and locked inside a huge milk can full of water and escaped behind a curtain as part of his performance he invited the audience to hold their breaths for as long as he did. Nobody lasted but him. 

The Overboard Box escape was one of his favorites. He was handcuffed and locked in a sealed crate that weighed down in New York´s East River and managed to escape in fifty-seven seconds. This was one of his favorites.


Like these, he pulled off many kinds of different escaping acts, which no one has ever been able to explain. Maybe he just has supernatural powers. 



In front of the university hall one of the most recognized academies in the world, Harvard University, there is a statue of John Harvard that was sculpted in 1884.

There is an inscription on it that says “John Harvard, Founder 1638”. This is known as the statue of three lies.

First of all, the man that is represented is not John Harvard.

“When the statue was made, the Great Hall had been burned, and every portrait of how long gone John Harvard looked like was destroyed, so nobody knew how he looked.” Said one of the tour guides in the University.

The model used was one of the students that volunteered to pose at the moment.

The second lie is that John Harvard was not the founder of the school. The Massachusetts bay Colony had established it and it was not until years later  that named after Harvard.

Last but not least, the year the statue says is not correct. Harvard was founded in 1636, not 1638.

Nobody knows why this statue has these three mixed up details, or if it was even made on purpose as some kind of trick to fool outsiders.

Who new Harvard students weren’t so serious after all!

The Woman with Babushka


What happened to the mysterious woman who was standing right next to the car when president J.F. Kennedy was murdered?

During the following investigations after this event, on November 22nd 1963, police and investigators would rely on eyewitnesses to retrieve missing information. There was supposed to be a second shooter somewhere closer to the car that was never found.

There was one middle-aged woman, wearing a scarf of a tan, or light-brown color around her face and a trench coat this is where she got her nickname “The Babushka Lady” referring to the scarf. She had a camera in her hands and at the moment of the accident was literally photographing the events.

It is believed, because of how close she was to the car where Kennedy was murdered and the angle in which her camera was pointing, that she could have pictures of the second shooter.

A couple of weeks later, a woman named Beverly Oliver identified herself as The Babushka lady, but as she turned her film to authorities, they did not match with the position where she was standing in other people´s photographs.

“I had a Yashica Super-8 Zoom film camera,” said Oliver.

Police then discovered that no such cameras existed until 1967. They were never able to find this mysterious woman, and therefore, they couldn’t find the second shooter either.

here are some videos

Jack the Ripper


Despite numerous books, films, and theories published, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains amysterious and yet no one could explain who is Jack from the evidence.

This is the best-known given name to the serial killer that originated in London.

His attacks involved female prostitutes from the slums. He cut their throats after retrieving their organs from the abdominal area. Because of this,  it was believed he had surgical knowledge.

The killings took place from 1881 to 1888, and the identity of this assassin is still a mystery.

Jack the Ripper became a legend that inspired many authors to write novels, books and films.

Jack the Ripper! Few names in history are as instantly recognizable. Fewer still evoke such vivid images: noisome courts and alleys, hansom cabs and gaslights, swirling fog, prostitutes decked out in the tawdriest of finery, the shrill cry of newsboys - and silent, cruel death personified in the cape-shrouded figure of a faceless prowler of the night, armed with a long knife and carrying a black Gladstone bag.

—Philip Sugden, The Complete History of Jack the Ripper

Spontaneous Human Combustion


Can Human Beings Burst into Flames out of Nowhere?

An impossible event occurred in the extraordinary accident in 1951 where a woman was burned to death in her own house but her complete leg was left intact.

Mary Reeser, 67, was found burnt to ashes on July 2nd, 1951.
This is the most famous case of this nature, it has been followed by many more along the years.

Spontaneous Human Combustion is a phenomenon where a human bursts into flames for no apparent reason. It is believed that this is a reaction to alcoholism when the abuse of alcohol to the body would dramatically increase the combustibility of the body and when it had a spark of its own electricity it would ignite the body.

The room she was found in was in perfect state except for the corner where she was sitting in her armchair.
Her body was all burnt except for her left foot, still wearing a slipper. Which was perfectly intact.
This has not been explained.

“A temperature of 2500 degrees is necessary for the state in which her body was in, a Cigarette accidently dropped while asleep would never be the cause of such heat” said one of the doctors.